Silverlight plug-in chrome

5 Feb 2017 The IE Tab extension for Chrome is not only useful for displaying web pages with Silverlight content, but also for Sharepoint, Java and ActiveX 

When you use Google Chrome (version 42.0 or later) to access a website that runs Microsoft Silverlight, you see that some content is missing or that the Install Microsoft Silverlight badge is displayed.When you reinstall Silverlight, the issue still occurs.

About | Microsoft Silverlight

Disable the Silverlight plugin on the Google Chrome browser, then restart Chrome to troubleshoot crashes in this browser. Open a new browser tab and type  9 Aug 2018 Some browsers, such as Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox, have Why-do- Java-Silverlight-Adobe-Acrobat-and-other-plugins-no/ta-p/31069. Hierbei sind insbesondere das Flash- und das Silverlight-Plug-in zu nennen, die von speziell präparierten Webseiten genutzt werden, um echte IP-Adressen  8 Sep 2014 How to handle the Silverlight deprecation. Google is now taking steps to deprecate browser plugins in Chrome browser. This transition  Google Chrome versions 42+, Mozilla Firefox versions 52+, and Microsoft Edge Firefox or Safari users must install and configure the Silverlight plug-in to use it   Google Chrome is not presently compatible with Microsoft Silverlight. In 2013, the Chrome 42 release disabled NPAPI by default, which prevented apps like 

16. Jan. 2019 Die meisten modernen Browser, darunter Chrome, Firefox und Opera, unterstützen keine NPAPI-Plugins mehr. Wenn Sie Silverlight trotzdem  30 Apr 2015 In the newest release of Google Chrome (v42), you can still use Silverlight but you have to explicitly enable it. Below you will find instructions on  1 Sep 2017 Silverlight is a NPAPI plugin which in Chrome v42 and newer are disabled by default. When you try to load the NiceLabel PowerForms  26 Sep 2018 In this article, I'll explain how to activate Silverlight plugin for Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer and Safari on Windows or Mac. 15 Feb 2020 Install, uninstall, and fix plug-ins that enable access to UI objects in specific Web based tasks in Internet Explorer 11, Google Chrome, Microsoft Applications that use Adobe Flex, Microsoft Silverlight, and/or Oracle Java  Starting with Chrome Version 42, the Silverlight plugin is blocked 

Starting with Chrome Version 42, the Silverlight plugin is blocked  Code running in an NPAPI plugin has the full permissions of the current user and is not sandboxed or shielded from malicious input by Google Chrome in any  In September 2013, Google announced its decision to move away from support for NPAPI (the Netscape Plugin Application Programming Interface). In Chrome  Microsoft Silverlight ist ein Browser-Plug-in, das die Ausführung von Rich Internet Applications Silverlight funktioniert nicht mehr in Chrome und daraus abgeleiteten Browsern, da von Microsoft kein PPAPI-Plugin angeboten wird. Ab Version  Google Chrome in Mac (plug-ins no longer supported); Apple Mac. Enable  Still having problems? If you still experience problems at this stage check the browser plugin is enabled, as described below. Google Chrome.

silverlight | Firefox Support Forum | Mozilla Support

14 Jan 2016 The Silverlight plug-in cannot be enabled in Chrome because Silverlight is a Netscape Plugin API (NPAPI) plug-in, and NAPAPI plug-ins are no  De NPAPI Plug-in dient hiervoor weer te worden ingeschakeld. Horizon TV en Silverlight. Tik in het adresveld van Chrome het volgende in: chrome://flags/. Zoek  Silverlight is a browser plugin which allows our customers to simply click for the HTML5 Premium Video Extensions in the Chrome browser, and we've just  14 Apr 2020 Like Flash, Silverlight is an all-purpose plugin for streaming videos, Google Chrome discontinued support in version 45 (September 2015),  29. Apr. 2014 Dank Browser-Plugins und fragwürdiger App-Exklusivität machen sie ist nicht drin, obwohl die Mobilvarianten von Chrome, Safari und dem  Microsoft Silverlight peut ne pas fonctionner dans les ... Silverlight est un plug-in NPAPI. Solution de contournement. Sur la version de Chrome 45 ou une version ultérieure de Chrome, il n’existe aucune solution de contournement pour ce problème. Vous devez utiliser un navigateur qui prend en charge le contenu Silverlight pour accéder à une page Silverlight. Pour contourner ce problème dans les versions 42 à 44 de Chrome, procédez comme suit

O Silverlight não funciona no Google Chrome - resolução de problemas. Para ativar o plug-in do Silverlight, antes de tudo, você precisa ativar o suporte a NPAPI novamente no Chrome, para fazer isso, siga as etapas abaixo (e o próprio plug-in do Microsoft Silverlight já deve estar instalado no computador).

26. Mai 2017 Allerdings wurde das Plugin in fast allen Browsern deaktiviert. Dann könnt ihr auf eine ältere Browser-Version zurückgreifen. Microsoft Silverlight.

Disable the Silverlight plugin on the Google Chrome browser, then restart Chrome to troubleshoot crashes in this browser. Open a new browser tab and type